Writer: Khaiyam Khalid:
In-group favouritism
Pic says: “we favour people who are in our in-group as opposed to an out-group. Francis is in your church, so you like Francis more than Sally”

Order of the thesis:
1: What is it?
“prioritizing people of in-group in the comparison of people of out-group”
2: Elaboration:
You live amongst two kinds of people. People who are in your group which is called “in-group” and people who are not in your group are called “out-group”.
You favour and prioritise in-group people, not out-group people.
3: Example:
In a match there are two kinds of people:
1: people who support the blue team including you. And those are your in-group people.
2: who supports the orange team. Those are your out-group people.
If you want to serve some snacks and tea then you will favour in-group people.
4: Explanation:
Primarily the meaning of group:
In-group: people of your group.
Out-group: people who are not in your group, whether they have any kind of group or not.
For example:
A: People who support smoking.
B: who doesn’t support it and try to ban it.
C: who cares nothing. Smoke & die or don’t smoke.
If you support group A then is your in-group and BC, I mean B & C (dirty minds) are your out-group.
• Because “believing nothing is also a belief”
We can divide groups into:
1: in-group
2: out-group
Out-group to:
1: out-group declared.
2: out-group silent.
Base of groups
To understand much deeper we are supposed to reflect on the group itself, because
• Word itself explains its meanings
In-group, out-group, declared, silent... Everyone has a base and pillars on which groups are built as you know that apparently everything has a base.
The pillars of groups are different from one another because the groups are different from one another.
But the sum of all pillars and basis is belief.
Usually, groups are made on beliefs, frequently on the basis of thinking, cast and culture, oftentimes on circle, surroundings, choice, rarely to help and hardly ever to apologise and accept the faults and mistakes.
Here we explain some pillars:
The most cruel grouping ever, literally tens of thousands of lives are lost, homes are destroyed, humanity is deformed, flames of anger and hates are sparkled, bloods and bloods, the darkness everywhere just by this brutal politics, evil system and dark thinkings and minds.
I’m writing a book on its darkness to cut that down, I named that “an orphan says”. That book will help you to understand.
Actually religion is also a group making base. But the violence is rarely appeared in our surroundings by the actual factors of religion.
But the political parties are sparking the hates using the religions. They just want to build their empire no matter what it costs?
And the results are heart-breaking, minors fight and kill and die. While the politicians are enjoying life and growing.
Yes I accept that religious people also play role in it, but in 2 ways:
1: dumbs violate others. So will never see a great scholar of any religion spread hate.
2: religious people exert hating by being fooled by politics.
Here: politicians whether they are participating in it or not will distract you. They will never let your mind reflect that maybe there could be something hidden behind the case, we must find out that. They will incite (provoke, urge) you to do and die, emotionally. There’s a lot to unbury the facts but coming to the point...
How politics? Meanwhile, the religions are also violating in their own different circles!
Not so! You know that all religions mean ease, helping, forgiving... Whenever the wars appeared by religions, mostly they were up-raised through politics.
(I don’t say that politics is this and that. It helps the country to grow if it’s good. Making your country developed.
Always vote by reflecting that which parties have the most educated politicians, because uneducated will deform the future of you, your family, your grandsons and daughters and your beloved nation)
Above them, grouping also can be based on nations, cultures, creeds, casts, ceremonies, rituals, surroundings, likes, families, thinking ways etcetera.
The whole world is a group. Everyone is in a single team to beautify the world.
Nationally: there are some groups, some are divided into religions and politics and some are in culture...
Your national people are your in-group people, your state people are your in-group, your culture, religion, political party... All of them are your in-group people.
And who is out of that namely someone is in another nation, supports another religion, party, culture... Then those people are your out-group people.
But the interesting fact to understand what beautifies the world is: everyone is yours, and every single person is in your in-group people with different perspectives.
For example, you went to a university and you got a chance to participate in a debate or any other match. There are two teams, yours and your competitor’s.
And the team members are divided like this:
Your team: 5 members:
1: you (Nepal, religion A, political party B).
2: Taiyar (India, religion B, political party A)
3: Waleed. (China, religion C, party C)
4: Malik. (Nepal, religion B, party A)
5: Ghazali. (Same as yours)
Your competitor’s team, 5 members:
The best country in the world namely Nepalese, Indian, and Chinese, some support religion A, some B & C, some support political party A and some B and C.
Here: tell me who is in your in-group and who is an out-group person?
From the perspective of the match, your team members are your in-group people. And competitors are your out-group people.
But from the perspective of religion, nation, politics... Some competitors are also your in-group people. And some of your team members are your out-group people.
• Everyone is your in-group people.
Intellectuals will understand 2 points:
1: Balancing the groups.
2: World group.
Balancing the groups:
As you saw in the example that everyone is your in-group people and at the same time everyone is your out-group people. So which you are supposed to support mostly?
Yeah, you will use the law of percentage to measure the exact situation. Because you are a great thinker that’s why you are here in the world of books the world of knowledge.
Law of percentage measuring:
This helps us to understand the judgment, that how to lead the situation.
There are two points to understand in this law:
1: situation: in which situation you are exactly?
2: percentage of fortune and loss in the case of stepping aside and going further.
Example: Smoking in normal times is unitedly bad because it’s injurious to health and it’s a death-dealing risk.
But if you are overwhelmed by emotions and depression, then can you smoke to feel better or not?
Here we reflect on the depths of this law:
There are three points to consider:
1: Smoking once can be the potential for addiction.
2: It is harmful to the lives (yours and the people around you, your family)
3: It will make you feel better.
To measure the percentage you must need to understand the values of things.
1: the value of addiction: much important to think about stepping away from smoking in every situation.
2: the value of feelings: it’s valuable.
3: life is also valuable.
Now: which one has the most powerful value in the comparison of this scenario?
Obviously; life has. Because your feelings are dependent on your life. So the percentage of not smoking saves your life much more than the percentage of feelings. That’s why “no smoking” will be up there in every condition and situation. Until the percentage of life is differed for example: you are forced to smoke otherwise you will be killed then to save your life you must have to smoke and that’s not bad, it’s saving your life which is much more... (There’s a lot to understand about that which things are valuable mostly, and differing those with their selves... which I explained in my another book “the law of ADL”)
Here we understand another point:
• Crimes against the law of groups are not the crimes of groups”
There are laws in every single group (even the group where the law is nothing because it’s also a law in itself).
If a person of a specified group commits crimes against the law of the group to which he relates, then you can’t say that group is this and that, because that group will never stand for those crimes.
That’s you can’t blame the whole group and the people of that group, the condemnable and punishable is one who was involved in it.
This is the most important point to bear within the society, and just punishing the criminal. Not the whole innocent group...
Intellectuals will understand from this point the depths of laws like the punishment of killing is killing the criminal. Which I will explain somewhere after.
Coming to point 2
World group:
In a broad sense, every single person is in your group whether nationally, religiously, politically, culturally...
Then why the inhumanity against anyone?
In today’s world, we just need to understand the facts of in-group favouritism. So we can this world a peaceful world.
Spread this bias, especially to everyone and become a part of the peace itself.
5: effects:
• Belief
• Social
Politi. But what about those who have no idea about it? Your understanding matters but just you and I can’t change anything until everyone understands...
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