An orphan says: I don’t have life”.
She was hiding her tears and sobbing in her heart, when she was asked about her father.
Where is your father?
He never came back after we lost him in the hands of... She replied.

We crave to live a fancy life, a big home, a castle, villa, evaluationary vehicles, electric stuffs, stylish clothes, Branded outfits, costly devices, and a handsome amount of money.
Isn’t it your wish?
Everyone has dreams, wishes, ambitions, missions and life goals. Moreover all of us strive to make them come true.
How interesting topic it is; talking about your future life, discussion of hopes, Sharing our thoughts of our dreams.
But the sadder moment when it comes that the life you live can be a dream of someone!
You don’t appreciate what you have, the home you live in, the meal you have everyday, the clothes you put on, the wearings you do, the money you are given, the parents who take care of you, and they curious about you and your future while no one even thinks about your presence by heart, the siblings pulling your legs and cracking the jokes, your friends and relatives, the peace you live in, no fire, no fear, strength, rights, freedom, peace, just you and your life, how stunning.
In other hand, some faces: it’s fire everyday, fear every time, no shelter, no home, no safe place, no food, no water, broken useless burden stuffs, flat rag old clothes, no money, no calmness, no peace, nil rights, weakness, inhumanity, cruelty, brutality, unkindness, meanness, just pain, and pain, and pain, blood, dead parents, buried siblings, far relations, zero friends, a broken heart, a lost spirit, a faded soul.
Some got cotes and sheds, but they have no idea will they get back home alive or dead, and much more will their family will find their body or not, will they even see the face, will be they lost fettered in the hands of non hearted cruel evils, who are disguised in the veil of mercy and peace.
Compare yourself to them! Imagine peaceful life living you are.
Did you ever feel that if you go out then you will live the life or you will say goodbye to everything. What if you are hanging out, doing your work, busy in your everyday life & suddenly you hear noises screams, you see people scared injured and dead.
What your expression will be at the moment? Where your consciousness will be in the scene?
What if you go out and never came back or someone close your heart goes and never come back? Just lost in the far fungal world so far from you.
What if you are out from your home, when you come you find yourself blind minded, the darkness everywhere, a horrific while, a terrific silence, everything turned into dust, Cole and ashes, flames a lot sparking, violence and violence, death-dealing state of your life. Your home is destroyed, everyone you loved is dead, now you are an orphan, you don’t have your parents to love you, you lost your siblings, in their hearts you were living, you can’t even find bodies, and some you deformed faces, body with no arms and legs, some are on the edge (brink/crub/ending point) of life and death, you see nothing but blood, you listen nothing but the silence spirits, you feel nothing but losing yourself and soul!
In no time you lost everything everyone you had, instantly you moved no where, not a single heart not even you.
How will you feel?
We never imagine these aspects, because it’s nothing common with you and me, not even in our surroundings.
But you all these deadly cruelties are part of a majority, which we don’t know, and don’t even try to know and feel!
Have a heart, mercy and a bit humanity, then think about those kids, the ground they are used to play is literally a suicide state.
Now it’s just an ordinary part of their lives, they feel nothing while hearing the screams, they don’t hesitate at all to go with the routine while they are seeing bombings, armies attacking, people dying and the humanity deformed getting.
Is this the world we live in? How cruel hearts! How brutal souls!
It drives me crazy whenever I think about the world they live in. Is that even a life? You are living, you are happy, smiling, then laughing and living the moment, instantly a storm comes and you are passed away! It this what life called is?
The stories I have heard are heard breaking, hidden in the pages of history within the tears, screams, deaths, deformations, cruelty and blood.
All I have to bring them to you, and let you realise the other side the dark side of this world. Hope you will try to listen to the sobbing of souls.
I know that I can’t make you feel them, it’s on you that how much spiritual you are. Maybe this short story can help you:
A kid from Palestine was starving and dying from hunger said: “o lord! I have nothing to eat since days and nights, take my soul so I can eat peacefully in the paradise”.