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- Flase consensus effect bias |Cognitive psychology of flase consensus | Hueristic of false consensus
8-False consensus By Khaiyam khalid: Pic says: “We believe more people agree with us than is actually the case.” “Everyone thinks that.” Order: Definition Elaboration Example Explanation Effects How to avoid? 1: What is it? “Fallacy that people are thinking as we are.” 2: Elaboration A misconception that the world is as We see it. It’s all about delusion about the nature of others’ behaviour, beliefs and thoughts that they are the same as mine. An assumption about your thoughts to be common and normal because everyone is like that... 3: Example When someone gave you two options to pick up one after you choose one if you will be asked that “what’s your opinion about people’s choice?” you will say (if you accurately say following the hidden subconscious thoughts) they will, choose which I did. Or if you are asked why you chose that? In both cases, you will say because it’s normal and common with everyone. You think that your thoughts are normal and people agree with them. 4: Explanation “Ross et al. (1977) coined the term the false consensus effect (FCE) to describe the tendency to “see one’s own behavioural choices and judgments as relatively common and appropriate to existing circumstances while viewing alternative responses as uncommon, deviant, or inappropriate” (If you keep thinking that this is normal then the conclusion can be harmful You can easily observe it, just look around you, see the people and their tones, behaviours, words... Nearly all of them are following acts because they subconsciously think it’s normal. After all, if someone acts abnormally you can see the shininess (the nature of humans) in their body and language.) Normal is right When you thought that my actions and thoughts are normal then you subconsciously believed that you are right. And when you believed I’m right then anything against that rightness will be completely wrong (no matter how right and the fact they are) and your belief will urge you to act not good... When it becomes your habit, and your thoughts are different from others then you will be simultaneously out of the group of people, because everything against your fallacy is wrong. And eventually, it can pull the wars and fights with one another as we see in our nowadays. And this is how it affects. Let’s see some boring points essential to depths: Causes: From the “psychology web..” MotivationalProcesses: Traditionally, researchers who have described phenomena like the false consensus effect or “egocentric attribution biases’’ have emphasized the motivation and function for the individual (Ross et al., 1977). Selective Exposure and Cognitive Availability: Another explanation that Ross et al. (1977) presents for the false consensus effect is selective exposure and availability factors. Ambiguity Resolution Factors: Thirdly, Ross et al. (1977) proposes that the false consensus effect can also arise from someone’s response to ambiguity as to the forces causing a situation and the meaning and implications or various responses. Salience and Focus of Attention: Following Ross et al.’s study (1977), researchers have proposed alternative mechanisms for the false consensus effect. One such mechanism is salience and focus of attention, alternatively called the selective information treatment hypothesis (Verlhiac, 2000). Logical Informational Processing: The fourth and last putative theoretical mechanism for the false-consensus effect is logical information processing (Marks and Miller, 1987) Information’s role I also saw an article about this bias discussing about the causes but with some new experiences and experiments: “Abstract: We present an experiment on the false consensus effect. Unlike previous experiments, we provide monetary incentives for revealing the actual estimation of others’ behaviour. In each session and round, sixteen subjects make a choice between two options simultaneously. Then they estimate the choices of a randomly selected subgroup. For half of the rounds we provide information about other subjects’ choices. There we find no false consensus effect. At an aggregate level, subjects significantly underweight rather than overweight their choices. When we do not provide information, the presence of a false consensus effect cannot be detected.” 5: Effects: In: Social Belief Politics 6: How to? Easy! Aren’t you different from another? In thinking, behaving, expressing, acting... People are also different. What you think can be confined with yourself. And what others think is with others. Some may think that the Nepal is not a good country. But you know how beautiful and loving country Nepal is, as other people know. Just think people are different from one another, so your thoughts perhaps are different...
- Halo and horn effect bias | Cognitive psychology of halo and horn | Heuristic of halo and horn
6- Halo effect bias By Khaiyam khalid: Pic says: “If you see a person as having a positive trait, that positive impression will spill over into their other traits. (This also works for negative traits)” “Taylor could never be mean, she’s so cute.” Order of the statement: Definition Elaboration Example Interpretation of halo and horn biases Effects How to avoid? There are 2 biases: A: Halo effect bias. B: Horn effect bias. First, we will discuss the Halo effect bias, then the Horn effect. 1: What is the Halo effect? “Tendency of positive image and thoughts in your mind for someone by seeing one positive trait of that person” In other words: “The halo effect refers to the tendency to allow one specific trait or our overall impression of a person, company or product to positively influence our judgment of their other related traits.” 2: Elaboration When you see a good-looking person, you subconsciously evaluate that this person is good also, novel, sacred, pious, healthy physically and mentally, wealthy and so on. And you behave beautifully. While a person with different outfits and looking is not treated well. You saw one specific trait, single positivity or charming look and dashing attractiveness, then you subconsciously thought that all the traits are also heavenly admirable. Initially, one specific admirable trait induces your evaluation to judge encompassingly sorts and varieties positively. 3: Example It impacts in different various spheres, sometimes individually, like in education, and sometimes systematically like the growth of a product, and increasing the value of some companies. “When you see a good-looking person and a bad-looking person at a crime spot, you think that the criminal must be that bad-looking guy” Its completely same in the companies. 4: Explanation Let’s know the word “Halo” “The Term ‘Halo’ The term "halo" alludes to the religious concept of a glowing circle crowning the heads of saints and bathing their faces in a heavenly light. In terms of the cognitive bias, the halo represents the positive light that we place upon people or things because of certain external characteristics. Because of their apparent halo-like qualities, we may be subject to overestimating the worth of people or things.” It (Halo effect) was first coined and theorized in 1920. It overshadows different aspects: In education It’s an obstruction in education, teachers subconsciously attempt to unduly find the good and students as well as the weak. When they see a charming student they assume creativity, goodness and talent and they more attention to them in comparison to others... The same thing happens when a student is good at their subjects they evaluate that this student is also good in other subjects. In the case of students, they also like to attend and listen to the classes of those teachers who are polite and good-looking... That’s how this Halo hinders education. In workplace Experiments show the actuality as you see in interviews. In marketing The ads you see are how fantastic. Because of good looks... Academics and intelligence Experienced it several times. Searching for crime As you see the inhumanity of a specific group of people, culture and colour. Most common fallacy Attractive looks and tones are usually encircling this bias in all the sectors of initial evaluation and assumptions. The reverse Halo effect: “The reverse halo effect refers to the phenomenon whereby positive perceptions of a person can yield negative consequences (Edward, 2004). Errors in rating may eengender issues of validity and reliability. On the other hand, alterations in ratings may, in fact, reflect actual transformations in behaviour—thereby signalling a mere appearance of compromised reliability. This possibility has been demonstrated by research on both men and women.” Horn effect bias Coined in 2004. “The horn effect is essentially the reverse of the halo effect. The horn effect, a type of cognitive bias, refers to the tendency to make an overall unfavourable impression of a person, based on one negative trait. For instance, the horn effect may cause us to stereotype that someone who is physically overweight is also lazy although there is no evidence to indicate that morality is tied to appearance.” 5: Effects Politics Belief Social Politics: when a politician speaks about the development and gives you words of beautifying your group especially then you evaluate that this is our leader and the future while that can be fraud, uneducated, and a disaster for the whole nation. As you can observe in the current state... It badly affects the limbic instinct in believing and socializing... You can perceive by yourself that when you see positivity in religion you think all the of that group is also good and same in the wrong side. While it can be possible that the wrongness you observed maybe not negativity. And above all, it’s believed that some laws and sides are considerable then it doesn’t mean that the whole group and laws, culture and people are mean ... This is one of the most important things to reflect on and solve the current issues... How to? Just slow down your thinking and this is what “very well mind” explained as “Cognitive Debiasing To minimize the influence of the bias, one can look to various cognitive debasing techniques such as slowing down one’s reasoning process. For example, if you are aware of the halo effect, you can mitigate the effect of the bias by trying to create two possible impressions of people when you first meet them. Eventually, once you gain more information about the person, you will be able to choose which original impression was closest to how you have now come to see them.”
- Group-thinking bias | Cognitive psychology group thinking | Hueristics of group thinking
Group-thinking bias Pic says: “Due to desire for conformity and harmony in the group, we make irrational decisions, often to minimize conflict. Sally wants to go get ice cream, Francis wants to shop for t-shirts, and you suggest getting t-shirts with pictures of ice cream on them” Article by: Khaiyam khalid Order: Definition Elaboration Examples Interpretation Effects How to avoid? 1: What is it? “Consensual decision made irrationally in a group to avoid diversity” 2: Elaboration In much better words than mine: “Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon in which people strive for consensus within a group. In many cases, people will set aside their personal beliefs or adopt the opinion of the rest of the group. People who are opposed to the decisions or overriding opinions of the group as a whole frequently remain quiet, preferring to keep the peace rather than disrupt the uniformity of the crowd. The phenomenon can be problematic, but even well-intentioned people are prone to making irrational decisions in the face of overwhelming pressure from the group” Simply your groups make decisions not rationally but in an emotional manner. And everyone plays a role irrationally in decision-making to avoid conflict and diversity no matter how bad and flawed conclusions will be faced. 3: Example Almost all of us have experienced it, mostly in close-to-heart groups and circles. In your school, your group is gathered to choose a member to lead the group in a contest. You can easily perceive that when a few members vote for someone, everyone starts voting for that guy to add unity (also because of the bandwagon effect bias), but some may vote for others because they also deserve it, so they don’t want to break their heart and make peace and harmony in the group. 4: Explanation This is one of the best cognitive biases coined and theorize in the early years. Allegedly it’s all about emphasizing or making a decision irrationally in a group, converging emotionally to unite members of the group and to band them together. On the contrary, dissents, defer, and adversities by preventing them. Being charismatically optimistic on an invincible unanimous & infallible solidarity. Which is nothing but pitfalls. Let’s understand it in a manner: The desire for unity: A group is a noun for the unity of people. That’s why a member of the group who supports it, desires the group to be as it is. So he pays several sacrifices to rid the frowned-up faces, expressions and feelings. That person also insulates thoughts to bypass the exacerbation even perturbation. And this is the nature of nearly every member. Desire potential to irrationality: This desire makes you irrational and loses mindfulness & critical thinking. You will think and accept thoughts with the emotional brain (you knew the emotional and rational mind before in the bandwagon effect bias, so I’m not going to clip it again otherwise the book will be long). (We will discuss the effects on the time) Symptoms: “Signs of Groupthink Groupthink may not always be easy to discern, but there are some signs that it is present. There are also some situations where it may be more likely to occur. Janis identified several different “symptoms” that indicate groupthink. Illusions of unanimity lead members to believe that everyone is in agreement and feels the same way. It is often much more difficult to speak out when it seems that everyone else in the group is on the same page. ·Unquestioned beliefs lead members to ignore possible moral problems and not consider the consequences of individual and group actions. Rationalizing prevents members from reconsidering their beliefs and causes them to ignore warning signs. Stereotyping leads members of the in-group to ignore or even demonize out-group members who may oppose or challenge the group’s ideas. This causes members of the group to ignore important ideas or information Self-censorship causes people who might have doubts to hide their fears or misgivings. Rather than sharing what they know, people remain quiet and assume that the group must know best. “Mind-guards” act as self-appointed censors to hide problematic information from the group. Rather than sharing important information, they keep quiet or actively prevent sharing. Illusions of invulnerability lead members of the group to be overly optimistic and engage in risk-taking. When no one speaks out or voices an alternative opinion, it causes people to believe that the group must be right. Direct pressure to conform is often placed on members who pose questions, and those who question the group are often seen as disloyal or traitorous” I also copy here word as word the causes of group thinking in detail: “Group identity: It tends to occur more in situations where group members are very similar to one another. When there is a strong group identity, members of the group tend to perceive their group as correct or superior while expressing disdain or disapproval toward people outside of the group” “Leader influences: Groupthink is also more likely to take place when a powerful and charismatic leader commands the group” “Low knowledge: When people lack personal knowledge of something or feel that other members of the group are more qualified, they are more likely to engage in groupthink” “Stress: Situations where the group is placed under extreme stress or where moral dilemmas exist also increase the occurrence of groupthink” Derived from: verywellmind, and simple psychology. 5: Effects It is effective in: Belief Social Politics Belief: The limbic instinct of beliefs simultaneously gets down and with time eventually, your beliefs are lost. You choose others’ words and get stuck there. It also affects belief in various ways. Social: The experiments show that it can have harmful impacts on the social Which are explained in detail. As you knew. If everyone keeps going in the way of groups then the fights are determined, as we see in our nowadays. The clash between groups (nations, cultures, religions..) and deformations of humanity. A group is about to make a decision and few people gave some decisions emotionally and we see everyone starts to accept that and the trends on the websites... Is that the way to beautify society? Never it’s just a loop of hate... Politics: If people start voting for a single person rationally then what things can happen in the world we can’t even imagine? And effects will lie in social... 6: How to? It is always the same: think about why and what! Why this decision? What is the goodness in it? And so on. (It is not always evil. It has also bright sides)
- An orphan says
An orphan says: I don’t have life”. She was hiding her tears and sobbing in her heart, when she was asked about her father. Where is your father? He never came back after we lost him in the hands of... She replied. We crave to live a fancy life, a big home, a castle, villa, evaluationary vehicles, electric stuffs, stylish clothes, Branded outfits, costly devices, and a handsome amount of money. Isn’t it your wish? Everyone has dreams, wishes, ambitions, missions and life goals. Moreover all of us strive to make them come true. How interesting topic it is; talking about your future life, discussion of hopes, Sharing our thoughts of our dreams. But the sadder moment when it comes that the life you live can be a dream of someone! You don’t appreciate what you have, the home you live in, the meal you have everyday, the clothes you put on, the wearings you do, the money you are given, the parents who take care of you, and they curious about you and your future while no one even thinks about your presence by heart, the siblings pulling your legs and cracking the jokes, your friends and relatives, the peace you live in, no fire, no fear, strength, rights, freedom, peace, just you and your life, how stunning. In other hand, some faces: it’s fire everyday, fear every time, no shelter, no home, no safe place, no food, no water, broken useless burden stuffs, flat rag old clothes, no money, no calmness, no peace, nil rights, weakness, inhumanity, cruelty, brutality, unkindness, meanness, just pain, and pain, and pain, blood, dead parents, buried siblings, far relations, zero friends, a broken heart, a lost spirit, a faded soul. Some got cotes and sheds, but they have no idea will they get back home alive or dead, and much more will their family will find their body or not, will they even see the face, will be they lost fettered in the hands of non hearted cruel evils, who are disguised in the veil of mercy and peace. Compare yourself to them! Imagine peaceful life living you are. Did you ever feel that if you go out then you will live the life or you will say goodbye to everything. What if you are hanging out, doing your work, busy in your everyday life & suddenly you hear noises screams, you see people scared injured and dead. What your expression will be at the moment? Where your consciousness will be in the scene? What if you go out and never came back or someone close your heart goes and never come back? Just lost in the far fungal world so far from you. What if you are out from your home, when you come you find yourself blind minded, the darkness everywhere, a horrific while, a terrific silence, everything turned into dust, Cole and ashes, flames a lot sparking, violence and violence, death-dealing state of your life. Your home is destroyed, everyone you loved is dead, now you are an orphan, you don’t have your parents to love you, you lost your siblings, in their hearts you were living, you can’t even find bodies, and some you deformed faces, body with no arms and legs, some are on the edge (brink/crub/ending point) of life and death, you see nothing but blood, you listen nothing but the silence spirits, you feel nothing but losing yourself and soul! In no time you lost everything everyone you had, instantly you moved no where, not a single heart not even you. How will you feel? We never imagine these aspects, because it’s nothing common with you and me, not even in our surroundings. But you all these deadly cruelties are part of a majority, which we don’t know, and don’t even try to know and feel! Have a heart, mercy and a bit humanity, then think about those kids, the ground they are used to play is literally a suicide state. Now it’s just an ordinary part of their lives, they feel nothing while hearing the screams, they don’t hesitate at all to go with the routine while they are seeing bombings, armies attacking, people dying and the humanity deformed getting. Is this the world we live in? How cruel hearts! How brutal souls! It drives me crazy whenever I think about the world they live in. Is that even a life? You are living, you are happy, smiling, then laughing and living the moment, instantly a storm comes and you are passed away! It this what life called is? The stories I have heard are heard breaking, hidden in the pages of history within the tears, screams, deaths, deformations, cruelty and blood. All I have to bring them to you, and let you realise the other side the dark side of this world. Hope you will try to listen to the sobbing of souls. I know that I can’t make you feel them, it’s on you that how much spiritual you are. Maybe this short story can help you: A kid from Palestine was starving and dying from hunger said: “o lord! I have nothing to eat since days and nights, take my soul so I can eat peacefully in the paradise”.
- Bandwagon effect bias | Cognitive psychology | Hueristic
By Khaiyam and: 4- Bandwagon effect bias Pic says: “Ideas, fads, and beliefs grow as more people adopt them. Sally believes fidget spinners help her children, Francis does too.” Order: Definition Elaboration Examples Explanation Effects How to avoid it? 1: What is it? Our actions are influenced by a majority on an emotional basis. 2: Elaboration Action: in a broad sense all of the thoughts, imaginations, the way you think and imagine, your expression, behaviour, action and the way you behave express and act, literally everything. Influenced: you accept and adopt actions causing without any direct apparent effort, which are not based on your critical thinking, consciousness and reasoning. Better words than mine: “Herd mentality, mob mentality or pack mentality describes how people can be influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviours on a largely emotional, rather than rational, basis. When individuals are affected by mob mentality, they may make different decisions than they would have individually.” Emotional: you adopt other’s acts in 2 ways: 1: rational. 2: emotional. In this case, you accept your peers acts on a largely emotional rather than rational basis. You go the way everyone goes, just by accepting them and you don’t reflect on the matter and research it. 3: Example When everyone starts wearing any designed outfit, you will also start to... 4: Explanation We need to understand the emotional and rational brain. Our actions, expressions, behaviours... Everything is based on thoughts. They are another form of information which comes from the outside world (non of your mind). So basically “Thoughts are words in our minds, as imagination is a picture in it”. The thoughts are seeds of our every single movement. One of those actions is considered in emotions...Let’s understand. Our brain has some parts. Here we will discuss about 3: 1: Thalamus. 2: Visual cortex. 3: Amygdala. Thalamus: Where info forms in thoughts and imagination and where it is translated into the language of the mind. Visual cortex: Then most of the messages go to the visual (cerebral) cortex. To analyse the info. Amygdala: in the process of analysis, if the info is emotional it will be sent to the Amygdala. Then the emotional potentials play role in this process. In emotional conditions info comes to the thalamus and then to the visual cortex and so on. But everything happens emotionally. And when your emotional brain is much more active than the rational brain, all of your acts happen emotionally. In the case of increasing emotions, thoughts change their ways to go to the Amygdala by the cerebral cortex and take a shortcut which plays a great role to empower your emotional brain. (Understanding the thought is quite important, that’s why I explained it in my other article “the language of mind” which I’m about to explain) I suggest you read the book Emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman. Here is what the author said in better words: “A visual signal first goes from the retina to the thalamus, where it is translated into the language of brain. Most of the message then goes to the visual cortex, where it is analyzed and assessed for meaning and appreciate response; if that response is emotional, a signal goes to the amygdala to activate the emotional centres. But a smaller portion of the original signal goes straight from the thalamus to the amygdala in a quicker transmission, allowing a faster (though less precise) response. Thus the amygdala can trigger an emotional response before the cortical centres have fully understood what is happening” Here we understand two points: 1: Emotional & rational brain. 2: Anatomy of emotional hijacking. Rational brain: “Your rational brain represents your ability to reason through centres options whilst your emotional brain represents your instincts, impulses, and intuition. While your thinking brain is making provision for your retirement, your feeling brain wants to plan for a vacation” 2: Anatomy of emotional hijacking: “In his book Working With Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman coined the term “emotional hijacking” to describe situations in which the amygdala — the brain's emotional processing centre — takes over the normal reasoning process. This can occur during difficult interactions with others.” “During an emotional hijack, our thinking brain gets paralyzed, which means our IQ drops, we lose the ability to make complex decisions, we no longer see other perspectives and our memory becomes compromised — Not the most helpful scenario in social settings.” Let’s understand much further: Understand it by different examples: 1: People love to spend money on branded costly stuff. So you also desire to get that while you might don’t even need that at all. In the depths of this example, we also see that when a branded stuff owner you see, you feel something weird and their impression of yourself covers your essentials... (I suggest you read the book “the psychology of money”) 2: Alarm alerts people in the building “Fire! Fire! Fire!” everyone runs in panic, when you come out, you start running the same way they are running without any consideration. 3: Pranks are on trend nowadays. One of those pranks is the prank elevator. When a person in an elevator sees some strangers sit without any reason, that person also sits, when they turn their face in an opposite direction that person also... You may think that it happens by rational decisions. Nope, not at all. He thinks emotionally but it seems rational. 4: Including you, the school cheer up for a team blue, but after sometimes a new team, the team black is on the trends. People started cheering for team black instead of team blue, while they had a strong connection with that before the black appears, but they turned. After a while you step aside and started supporting the team black. There are a lot of examples which say by their selves the reasons of this bandwagon effect in different conditions. 1: in first example of money, the desire of wealth and praise trapped you in. 2: in the second, panic reasoned to... 3: in the pranks, base was the fear of being wrong. 4: the case of joining others tells that the reason behind this was fear of exclusion and getting exerted by the group which changed your subsequent act in the allegiance of the majority. This bias extends to all sorts of psychological phenomena and these were the base and this is how this bias occurs. 5: Effects In: Social Belief Politics The very first effect which is deforming the society is “politically distracted beliefs in social...” which reasoned in rights, fights, clashes and inhumanity. You see news against your religion like someone being beaten or killed by another religious person. And the media takes over to make it much more irrational and irritating: “Breaking news! This religion is trying to come over that religion. A person is brutally killed, and this might can be a threat to another religion...” Is that what news is called? Journalism is all about sharing information. By seeing this news you don’t think that a majority of that religion is again it, whether they show it up or not as not everyone comes across the street. So the hate must should be limited and confined to that cruel killer. Only intellectuals think this way, as we can observe in our everyday life. But after seeing these messages you observe that you go the way everyone is going meanwhile you know the reality of media you know the darkness of politics and you better know the people. 6: How to? Just have mindfulness before you act, think rationally, and become an intellectual. Start with why? Why I go the way everyone is going, don’t have I mind to think. I’m not a fool. I also have mind to find out the reasons and step ways in my life. Why is this happening? What is the actuality behind it? Why I’m supposed to vote for this person? Is he developing our beloved country or is he just giving us words that he will give us this and that, and he always talks about religion... Think of why and what. And slow down your judging process. Try to conclude in not a short time. Writer:
- in-group favoritism bias | in group and out group bias | cognitive psychology and Hueristics
Writer: Khaiyam Khalid: In-group favouritism Pic says: “we favour people who are in our in-group as opposed to an out-group. Francis is in your church, so you like Francis more than Sally” Order of the thesis: Definition Elaboration Example Explanation Effects 1: What is it? “prioritizing people of in-group in the comparison of people of out-group” 2: Elaboration: You live amongst two kinds of people. People who are in your group which is called “in-group” and people who are not in your group are called “out-group”. You favour and prioritise in-group people, not out-group people. 3: Example: In a match there are two kinds of people: 1: people who support the blue team including you. And those are your in-group people. 2: who supports the orange team. Those are your out-group people. If you want to serve some snacks and tea then you will favour in-group people. 4: Explanation: Primarily the meaning of group: In-group: people of your group. Out-group: people who are not in your group, whether they have any kind of group or not. For example: A: People who support smoking. B: who doesn’t support it and try to ban it. C: who cares nothing. Smoke & die or don’t smoke. If you support group A then is your in-group and BC, I mean B & C (dirty minds) are your out-group. • Because “believing nothing is also a belief” Here: We can divide groups into: 1: in-group 2: out-group Out-group to: 1: out-group declared. 2: out-group silent. Base of groups To understand much deeper we are supposed to reflect on the group itself, because • Word itself explains its meanings In-group, out-group, declared, silent... Everyone has a base and pillars on which groups are built as you know that apparently everything has a base. The pillars of groups are different from one another because the groups are different from one another. But the sum of all pillars and basis is belief. Usually, groups are made on beliefs, frequently on the basis of thinking, cast and culture, oftentimes on circle, surroundings, choice, rarely to help and hardly ever to apologise and accept the faults and mistakes. Here we explain some pillars: Politics: The most cruel grouping ever, literally tens of thousands of lives are lost, homes are destroyed, humanity is deformed, flames of anger and hates are sparkled, bloods and bloods, the darkness everywhere just by this brutal politics, evil system and dark thinkings and minds. I’m writing a book on its darkness to cut that down, I named that “an orphan says”. That book will help you to understand. Actually religion is also a group making base. But the violence is rarely appeared in our surroundings by the actual factors of religion. But the political parties are sparking the hates using the religions. They just want to build their empire no matter what it costs? And the results are heart-breaking, minors fight and kill and die. While the politicians are enjoying life and growing. Yes I accept that religious people also play role in it, but in 2 ways: 1: dumbs violate others. So will never see a great scholar of any religion spread hate. 2: religious people exert hating by being fooled by politics. Here: politicians whether they are participating in it or not will distract you. They will never let your mind reflect that maybe there could be something hidden behind the case, we must find out that. They will incite (provoke, urge) you to do and die, emotionally. There’s a lot to unbury the facts but coming to the point... How politics? Meanwhile, the religions are also violating in their own different circles! Not so! You know that all religions mean ease, helping, forgiving... Whenever the wars appeared by religions, mostly they were up-raised through politics. (I don’t say that politics is this and that. It helps the country to grow if it’s good. Making your country developed. Always vote by reflecting that which parties have the most educated politicians, because uneducated will deform the future of you, your family, your grandsons and daughters and your beloved nation) Above them, grouping also can be based on nations, cultures, creeds, casts, ceremonies, rituals, surroundings, likes, families, thinking ways etcetera. The whole world is a group. Everyone is in a single team to beautify the world. Nationally: there are some groups, some are divided into religions and politics and some are in culture... Your national people are your in-group people, your state people are your in-group, your culture, religion, political party... All of them are your in-group people. And who is out of that namely someone is in another nation, supports another religion, party, culture... Then those people are your out-group people. But the interesting fact to understand what beautifies the world is: everyone is yours, and every single person is in your in-group people with different perspectives. For example, you went to a university and you got a chance to participate in a debate or any other match. There are two teams, yours and your competitor’s. And the team members are divided like this: Your team: 5 members: 1: you (Nepal, religion A, political party B). 2: Taiyar (India, religion B, political party A) 3: Waleed. (China, religion C, party C) 4: Malik. (Nepal, religion B, party A) 5: Ghazali. (Same as yours) Your competitor’s team, 5 members: The best country in the world namely Nepalese, Indian, and Chinese, some support religion A, some B & C, some support political party A and some B and C. Here: tell me who is in your in-group and who is an out-group person? From the perspective of the match, your team members are your in-group people. And competitors are your out-group people. But from the perspective of religion, nation, politics... Some competitors are also your in-group people. And some of your team members are your out-group people. • Everyone is your in-group people. Intellectuals will understand 2 points: 1: Balancing the groups. 2: World group. Balancing the groups: As you saw in the example that everyone is your in-group people and at the same time everyone is your out-group people. So which you are supposed to support mostly? Yeah, you will use the law of percentage to measure the exact situation. Because you are a great thinker that’s why you are here in the world of books the world of knowledge. Law of percentage measuring: This helps us to understand the judgment, that how to lead the situation. There are two points to understand in this law: 1: situation: in which situation you are exactly? 2: percentage of fortune and loss in the case of stepping aside and going further. Example: Smoking in normal times is unitedly bad because it’s injurious to health and it’s a death-dealing risk. But if you are overwhelmed by emotions and depression, then can you smoke to feel better or not? Here we reflect on the depths of this law: There are three points to consider: 1: Smoking once can be the potential for addiction. 2: It is harmful to the lives (yours and the people around you, your family) 3: It will make you feel better. To measure the percentage you must need to understand the values of things. 1: the value of addiction: much important to think about stepping away from smoking in every situation. 2: the value of feelings: it’s valuable. 3: life is also valuable. Now: which one has the most powerful value in the comparison of this scenario? Obviously; life has. Because your feelings are dependent on your life. So the percentage of not smoking saves your life much more than the percentage of feelings. That’s why “no smoking” will be up there in every condition and situation. Until the percentage of life is differed for example: you are forced to smoke otherwise you will be killed then to save your life you must have to smoke and that’s not bad, it’s saving your life which is much more... (There’s a lot to understand about that which things are valuable mostly, and differing those with their selves... which I explained in my another book “the law of ADL”) Here we understand another point: • Crimes against the law of groups are not the crimes of groups” There are laws in every single group (even the group where the law is nothing because it’s also a law in itself). If a person of a specified group commits crimes against the law of the group to which he relates, then you can’t say that group is this and that, because that group will never stand for those crimes. That’s you can’t blame the whole group and the people of that group, the condemnable and punishable is one who was involved in it. This is the most important point to bear within the society, and just punishing the criminal. Not the whole innocent group... Intellectuals will understand from this point the depths of laws like the punishment of killing is killing the criminal. Which I will explain somewhere after. Coming to point 2 World group: In a broad sense, every single person is in your group whether nationally, religiously, politically, culturally... Then why the inhumanity against anyone? In today’s world, we just need to understand the facts of in-group favouritism. So we can this world a peaceful world. Spread this bias, especially to everyone and become a part of the peace itself. 5: effects: In: • Belief • Social Politi. But what about those who have no idea about it? Your understanding matters but just you and I can’t change anything until everyone understands... Share this book and especially this bias and let people understand and expand by the integration of their selves in it. Share this book with two friends and tell every one of them to share with two friends in forward. Let’s beauty the world together ❤️
- Self-serving bias | Cognitive psychology | Hueristic
By Khaiyam Khalid: self-serving bias Pic says: “our failures are situational but our successes are our responsibility. You won that award due to hard work rather than the help of luck meanwhile you failed a task because you hadn’t gotten enough sleep” Order: Definition Elaboration Example Explanation Effect How to avoid? 1: what is? You better knew the definition of the picture’s words. In other words: Attributing positive events and success to our enteral character, ability and actions but blaming negative results on external factors unrelated to us in any way. 2: Elaboration: In four points: It’s almost everyone’s habitual act to take credit for positive events, successes, reaching destinations and covering goals. Like you say I won the match because I’m a great Player. On another hand when we face any disappointing condition, negative results or situations then we don’t think it happened because of us, I’m responsible for that, we keep blaming outside factors. Like you say I lose the match because it was a bad day. our minds neglect to reflect on actual reasons and come up with fiction which might don’t relate to us at all. It tends to occur widely across populations. 3: Example: I give you three examples: 1. Won the match because of my ability. 2. Lose the match because it’s a bad day. 3. Won the match because of luck/lose the match because of me. (It is inverting the bias, I will explain it after so just focus on two examples given up) 4: Explanation: Formerly we need to understand the LOC. LOC: Locus of control. Its refers to our belief system of mind about conducting attributions and causing events, as it happens because of that. In simple words: 1: mind makes causes and reasons for something. Like winning the match or losing it. So your mind will make a reason like they won the match because of that player. 2: The reasons your mind makes could be internal (ability/character..) and also can be external (bad day/lack of sleep...). So the reason your mind makes is the locus of control. That the reason is internal or external on which events are based. That’s why it has two types: 1: Internal LOC 2: External LOC Internal LOC Attaching events to yourself, whether it’s your character, ability or merits. The persons with internal LOC will tag their events to themselves as I won because of me. External LOC Assigning events to the external and outsiders, like luck or something. People who have external LOC, won’t credit events their selves like they won the match because of luck. Now! Self-serving bias is all about causing events which are based on LOC, so this bias will that it happened because of internal/external reasons, that’s why it has two sides which I told you about in the third example: 1: uprising the bias. 2: inverting the bias. Up-righting the bias: Attributing positive events to yourself and opposite it in negatives. Inverting the bias: Crediting positive events to externals, like luck, help, situation... And reasoning negative events to yourself, like you lose because of yourself. Usually, depression and low self-esteem cause to invert this bias. This kind of person is introvert meanwhile up-risers might want to display their achievements. Brightening side of bias Incitation (motivation) to the bias is that it impulse (motivates) self-enhancement and self-presentation. 1. Self-enhancement Improving yourself-worth and esteem. If you use this bias, it will keep your self-enhancement up, like umpire outs you in a match and you hear bad pitches but this bias will empower you and you will think that the umpire is unfair and I’m still a great player. The same in the exam results, maybe you got C or you didn’t get an A but you think it matters nothing you are more than anyone else. So the thought “I’m a great player” and “I’m more than everyone” is the lightning side of this bias which will make you feel the worth of yourself and it will save you from emotional inferiority. 2. Self-presentation It’s all about the desire to appear in front of people and show your skill without any hesitation. It’s helpful to beautify your self-image and sshowit in the outside world. I lose the running match because I hadn’t got enough sleep, so when I’m fully ready I can defeat anyone. Other considerable factors “Men are from Mars and women are from Jupiter” There’s nothing to light-up the gender and sex differences, as the books describe. The bias could play a different role in men in comparison to women, because of our opposed desires, feelings, emotions, and mind systems. Old and young: Bias is common with youngers because of excessive emotional nerves and lack of experience. But it might less prevalent in older adults due to experiences the life but again they also could have strong vibes of this bias because of the tendency of judging accurately. Culture: culture also determines the factors of this bias. How it overcomes? Because of the lack of responsible vibes. 5: Effects: Disadvantages of the bias in: Belief: the most dangerous. Social: it deforms the relations. Suppose if students always think that the teachers are unfair then the bond and relation among teachers and students will be dark, and eventually the education will die. Money 💰💸: suppose if you don’t be responsible in your business disasters then you will be bankrupt very soon. Because you will never know the actual reasons behind troubles and keep blaming outsiders. It also calls narcissism. 6: How to avoid it? Very simple: be responsible!
- Fundamental attribution error bias | cognitive psychology of F.AE. | Hueristic
By khaiyam khalid: Fundamental attribution error (F.A.E) Its also called: correspondence bias or over-attribution effect. Order: Definition Elaboration Examples Interpretation Effects How to avoid it? Practicing the bias 1: What is? In simple words: judging others on their personality and judging ourselves on the situation”. 2: Elaboration: We judge others on their personality or fundamental character but we judge ourselves on the situation which is nothing to us. Much better words than mine: “The fundamental attribution error refers to an individual’s tendency to attribute another’s actions to their character or personality while attributing their behaviour to external situational factors outside of their control”. So it’s like we call other words because they are this type of person, while we calm ourselves because it happened situationally not by behaviour, personality or anything in me. 3: Example: One of the saddest examples of internal attention whether it’s warranted or not is blaming! Sally is late because he is lazy and you are late because it was a bad morning. There are three different examples of F.A.E: 1. Victim blaming: Also known as the “just world fallacy”. It refers to the fault for a crime on the victim, blaming them for a moral deficiency that provoked the offender in some way. When bad fate befalls another person, you may have the instinct to victim blame. He felled because he is unholy”. It’s just inferencing dispositionally that assumes someone’s fate is inherently tied to culturally based... 2. Ignoring cultural differences: Perceiving and the observation of culturally based characters and morals are hard to judge and conclude. Your limbic instinct works on the culture it was raised in and mine in my culture, that’s why it’s quite hard to judge someone’s activity on being characterized by their own different culture from yours. 3. Assuming intent: It is all about assuming someone’s intention in their acts. He did this because he thought this... He is late because he is lazy... It misguides to misattribute the real impetus behind the actions. And leads to knowing nothing about the actuality, just by your doubts. 4: Explanation: It’s the tendency in yourself to overemphasize the dispositional behaviours of others, which is based on your assumption or perception (or observation). Like that guy made a mistake because he is that kind of person. When he makes another mistake the F.A.E says you will call him: yeah you did that because you are this and that. You didn’t even think that maybe there could be something environmental or any other hidden issue. You just keep going biting words. But when it’s about you, no matter how wrong you are, by F.A.E you will shrink to accept your mistakes and faults. 5: Effects: It affects the: Social. Belief. Social: Needless to explain that how the world sees a narcissist. It affects your social status in different various ways: Social relation: The most dangerous! It is just a store for your relationships. If you want to be tied with then avoid it anyhow. Value of your social mouth: When you are characteristically trapped in the web of F.A.E the value of your will is inherently low and down. People won’t like to listen to you, not even a single word. When it keeps rooting everyone will desire to stay away from you because of your attentional behaviour. No one else will like to talk to you. And the most horrific state is when you will say something and no one even pay attention to it rather than being all ears. Value of your social judgement: When the value of your words is zero then how your judgments could be up there? Whatever the situation is no one likes to hear and follow these kinds of people’s judgments. Because they think that guy is judgmental, who always puts his feet in judging and just judging. Value of social personality: This web causes you to lessen your presence and deforms rather than destroy completely your personality in the society you live in. And in this century may be in the whole world. And the value of your social status, needles to stipple a word. Belief: 1: belief of people about you which causes social effects. 2: your own beliefs about others: Your mind is set on others. You will subconsciously judge almost everyone which makes you mentally ill. Your self-awareness and self-esteem will exaggeratedly die. You will walk into every situation on the belief you are characterized by. The beliefs are considerably tough because it’s quite hard to go against them, then imagine the state of someone’s mind who is lost in the web of fundamental attribution error! 6: How to avoid it? Now the most important thing is how can we avoid the life-destroying enemy? Well, not that tough to go through. You just need to follow some points and that’s all. 1. we don’t know the hidden thoughts and that’s a fact. If someone is doing something or going through some situations then maybe there are some reasons behind that in the mind which we completely don’t know. 2. Possibility: there always could be the possibility of happening things, you are not familiar with. 3. Self-awareness: always reflect consciously. 4. Relate those aspects with yourself! What will you do when it happens to you? Or what your action will be in this kind of situation? You do things for reasons then what about others? 5. Speak less and think curiously! 7: Practicing the bias: Now the point of reflection is to consider that in which part our lives this bias occurs? Think that how often you slip on this bias and how often you act as biased? You may think that you are in trapped in it, you are something different but remember this is how everyone thinks. Forget everything about yourself! How you are, noble and pious or bad evil. Just take a step back from everything then observe your life that how many times you have thought about others without knowing the reality?
- The very first...
It's nothing new. I tried before through developing multiple sites several times and flushing money but after all the destination I see in this site... I'm used to draw out my thoughts and picturize my mind bubbles. I grab a pen, pieces of blanks and let's begin to go with the flow of drawing... Feels good to write; especially when I'm badly dying from being broken... The moment u felt it, u reached me here... Isn't it sort of fascinating that you got a friend with whom you can share everything literally everything without any hesitation? A friend who never calls back on you and makes you feel the moment with the warm-hearted and... I write on different topics such as Islam, Fiqh, Lwa, and psychology. In sha Allah I will try my best to spread the knowledge I got and specifically the fatwa and hukum of Islam ☪️.