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- Transfer of impurityIn Prayers and duties ·December 1, 2022Question: If visible traces of impurity (such as urine and Mani) are on one's trousers, would they be spreading the impurity if they walk around a room due to air/dust particles? Hence would the floor become dirty? If one's hands and forearms are wet due to being washed with water, would the same impurities from before attach on to the hands and forearms making them unclean? Answer ID: 183478 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 449/372/D=5/1443) (1) No, impurity does not spread like this. However, if there is any impurity on the clothes or body, it should be washed as soon as possible. (2) If the effect of Nijasat is not visible on the wet hand, then the hand or cloth will not be unclean. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by: Khaiyam Khalid004
- Turning impure mattress without washingIn Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: I sleep on a mattress which is impure because of urine and semen. So far I know, if I sleep on this mattress without washing then I have to take shower before praying. The mattress is made of cloth and cotton. If I flip the mattress to its opposite side and sleep on it, is it OK? Should I take shower in such case? Answer ID: 165362 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 56/24/L=01/1440) If the mattress is wet and the mark of impurity appears on body and cloth due to sleeping then it is mandatory to wash that particular place where the impurity is smeared on the body or cloth, but it is not mandatory to have bath. And in case of turning the mattress the ruling is same that if the mark of impurity is on the other side and the effect of impurity is felt on body or clothes due to sleeping on it then it is mandatory to wash that place where the impurity is smeared, but it is not mandatory to bathe. And if the impurity does not appear on the other side or the impurity is dried then due to sleeping on it you will not have to wash. نام أي فعرق وقوله أو مشى أي وقدمه مبتلة ........على نجاسة يابسة ...... إن ظهر عينها تنجس . رد المحتار ، 1/ 560، باب الأنجاس ، كتاب الطهارة ، زكريا ، ديوبند إذا نام الرجل على فراش فأصابه مني ويبس ، فعرق ارجل وابتل الفراش من عرقه إن لم يظهر أثر البلل في بدنه لا ينجس وإن كان العرق كثيراً حتى ابتل الفراش ثم أصاب جلل الفراش جسده فظهر أثره في جسده يتنجس بدنه هنديه ، كتاب الطهارة، باب الطهارة من الأنجاس، 1/102، اشرفي جديد. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by khaiyam khalid004
- Seeing yellowish discharges at the end of periodsIn Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: My habit is 7 days normally, and towards the end I see yellowish discharge mostly after I make ghusl. Like on the seventh day it gets mostly dry. So is the yellowish creamish color counted as periods? Also sometimes in between I get yellowish leucorrhea discharges so I am confused if this discharge seen towards the end of my periods is leucorrhea or periods? Please answer fast. Answer ID: 164634 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 1353/1239/B=01/1440) The yellowish discharge which you see will be counted menstrual discharge. Do ghusl after it. However, after completing the days of habit if you are sure that it is leucorrhea then it shall not be counted menstruation. You have to differentiate between menses and leucorrhea in the light of your experience and you should act as per your experience. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by khaiyam khalid004
- Mazi DischargeIn Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: I had a very embarrassing situation and need clarification please. A couple of days ago, I had a discharge of clear white liquid while reciting the Holy Quran. First, I thought it was a waswasah by Shaitan and I carried on reciting the Quran. After finishing the recitation, I checked my private part and could see a clear fluid about to come out of the private part. So, I washed the private part, performed wudhu again and repeated the recitation of Holy Quran. The discharge happened because my mind was diverted during the recitation and I was thinking about having intercourse with my wife after the recitation. Please advise if I have to pay any kaffarah and how can I make taubah? Answer ID: 167552 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 545/435/B=05/1440) Due to scattered thoughts if liquid is discharged then there is no kaffarah. In future you should pay full attention towards Allah during recitation of the Holy Quran. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by Khaiyam Khalid004
- I am always confused regarding whether I have my wudhu or not because of leucorrhea and urine issuesIn Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: I am always confused regarding whether I have my wudhu or not because of leucorrhea and urine issues. What shall I do in case of confusion? Does wudhu breaks for just a minute discharge? Answer ID: 174797 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 393/276/B=3/1441) According to Shariah you shall be deemed excused (mazur) person if you don’t get such a time in which you could offer one time’s salah after changing your clothes and performing wudhu in the state of purity. For a mazur person, Shariah has provided this facility that he/she should perform fresh wudhu at the time of each salah and offer as much salah as much he/she wishes with that wudhu within the time. If the drops of leucorrhea and urine continue yet salah will be valid in that state. If the drops of leucorrhea and urine discharge each minute then too it breaks wudhu. But Shariah has provided the abovementioned facility to a mazur person. The answer is correct. However, you should read more details regarding the issue of mazur person in Bahishti Zewar and then practice. [N] Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by khaiyam khalid004
- Praying with impure clothes unknowinglyIn Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: If a person prays with impure clothes unknowingly, and then later realizes that the clothes had been impure, will they need to repeat all the salaah that they performed with those impure clothes? Answer ID: 182626 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 67/41/SD=1/1443) In the question mentioned above, if there is surety or probability that the clothes in which you have offered salah were impure and the impurity was in such a quantity in which salah is not valid, e.g. Nijasat-e-Ghalizah: urine, stool, semen etc. more than the depth of a palm, then in such a case all the salah which were offered it is mandatory to make qaza of those salah after passage of their time. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by Khaiyam Khalid004
- CheckIn Share th😑ught ·March 18, 2023007
- The truthIn Share th😑ught ·May 20, 20230010
- Mufti taqi usmani ❤️In Share th😑ughtJanuary 18, 2023Mufti taqi usmani ❤️00
- True AFIn Share th😑ughtJanuary 20, 2023Ma sha Allah ❤️00
- قانون کی پاسداری وزیراعظم پر بھی ضروری ہے ،In اخبار عالمJanuary 21, 2023چلئے ایک نئی بات معلوم ہوگئ کہ وزیراعظم بہت بڑا عہدہ ہے اس کے لیے دو” اعظم “ لکھنے کی ضرورت پڑتی ہے10
- آج کے جہاز حادثے میں کہاں کے کتنے مسافر تھے ؟In خبر نیپالJanuary 16, 2023💔💔00
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