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- Is wudhu valid with petroleum jelly on hand?In Prayers and duties ·December 1, 2022Question: My question is it permissible to perform wudhu with petroleum jelly and its based products applied on hand feet face? Or do I need to remove it with soap each time I perform wudu? Answer ID: 183168 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim (Fatwa: 386/277/H=4/1443) If there is any substance like petroleum jelly on the body which is stuck on the body part in such a way that water does not reach the body, then it is necessary to remove this petroleum jelly etc., i.e. it should be removed by washing with soap, etc., then wudhu should be performed so that water can reach the body part. If they remain, water will not reach the body and purification will not be possible. And if by applying petroleum jelly etc. a layer is not formed but it takes the form of a liquid like oil, then after washing the body parts with water, the hands should be passed over them well so that all the body parts get wet with water and no place remains dry. ولا يمنع الطهارة ونيم وحناء و درن ووسخ، وكذا دهن ودسومة وتراب وطين ولو فى ظفر مطلقًا، (الدر مع الرد: 1/288، كتاب الطهارة ط زكرياديوبند) Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by: Khaiyam Khalid003
- Salah without Ghusl after Ihtilam (wet dreams)In Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: A few months back, whenever I used to have nightfall, I used to wash my lower body (below waist) and make wudu and pray. Recently I came to know that it is wajib to perform ghusl after Ihtilam. Do I have to return my salah? Or all the salah I prayed without ghusl? Answer ID: 181790 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 957/948/B=1/1443) After ihtilam, the person enters in major impurity and his whole body becomes impure and ghusl becomes mandatory for him. It is not enough just to wash from the waist down, he will not become clean. Therefore, it is necessary for you to, after performing ghusl, repeat all the prayers that you have performed without ghusl. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by khaiyam khalid004
- wudhu breaks on seeing kids naked or washing their private parts, Can we recite Quran from memory?In Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: Does wudhu break on seeing children naked or washing their private parts? Can we recite Quran from memory without wudhu? Answer ID: 172634 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 1477/1268/L=12/1440) (1) Wudhu does not break merely by seeing the children naked or washing their private parts. However, it is better if you make wudhu. فلو رآها (أي العورة) من زيقه لم تفسد وإن كره (در مختار مع شامي: 83/2) ومس الذكر لا ينقض الوضوء بحالٍ . (المحيط البرهاني: 1/215) لا ينقضه مس ذكر لكن يغسل يده ندبًا وامرأةٍ وأمرد لكن يندب للخروج من الخلاف لا سيما للإمام . (در مختار مع شامي: 1/278) (2) It is mandatory to have wudhu in order to touch the Holy Quran. However, wudhu is not a condition if you recite the Holy Quran by heart. Hence there is no harm in reading the Holy Quran by heart without wudhu. ولا تكره قراءة القرآن للمحدث ظاهرًا أي على ظهر لسانه حفظًا بالإجماع وروى أصح4اب السنن عن علي رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يخرج من الخلاء فيقرئنا ويأكل معنا اللحم وكان لا يحجه أو لا يحجزه عن قراءة شيء ليس الجناية (كبيري: 52) Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by khaiyam khalid006
- Can i neuter my male cat (remove testicles)In Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: My male cat pees around the house custom of their mating, so difficult to contain taharah. Can I neuter him (cutoff testicles)? I saw your fatwas with sheep it is allowed but is it the same with other animals? Answer ID: 164313 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 1311/1156/B=01/1440) Cats sometime urinate or stool on clean floor and bed, it does not seem correct to think that it is due to mating, so there is no need to castrate it. Since castration of sheep and goat is done in order to make the meat soft. You should put the cat in some bag and leave it in some far off places, thus you will be safe from its dirt and also will be free from the headache of cleanliness. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by khaiyam khalid004
- When suffering with anal fistulaIn Prayers and duties ·December 1, 2022Question: When a person is suffering from anal fistula there is regular or sometime occasional release of pus near anus and it sometimes get on clothes also. How to keep wudu and how to protect clothes is it permissible to pray with releasing pus or with clothes which have some pus on it and please guide with dua for shifa in this. Answer ID: 183012 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 279/282/L=4/1443) The pus is impure and if it flows out, wudhu will be broken. If you are not a Shariah mazur person, i.e. pus does not come out in such a way that it covers the entire time of salah, then if pus gets on the clothes or body, then wash it and offer salah. And if the impurity on the clothes is less than one dirham then in this case, salah will be valid. But it is better to offer salah with complete purity by washing it. (وينقضه) خروج منه كل خارج (نجس) بالفتح ويكسر (منه) أي من المتوضئ الحي معتادا أو لا، من السبيلين أو لا (إلى ما يطهر). (الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) 1/134 (وعفا) الشارع (عن قدر درهم) وإن كره تحريما، فيجب غسله، وما دونه تنزيها فيسن، وفوقه مبطل . (الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) 1/316) Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by: Khaiyam khalid005
- Praying with impure clothes unknowinglyIn Prayers and duties ·December 3, 2022Question: If a person prays with impure clothes unknowingly, and then later realizes that the clothes had been impure, will they need to repeat all the salaah that they performed with those impure clothes? Answer ID: 182626 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 67/41/SD=1/1443) In the question mentioned above, if there is surety or probability that the clothes in which you have offered salah were impure and the impurity was in such a quantity in which salah is not valid, e.g. Nijasat-e-Ghalizah: urine, stool, semen etc. more than the depth of a palm, then in such a case all the salah which were offered it is mandatory to make qaza of those salah after passage of their time. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by Khaiyam Khalid004
- Regarding TaharahIn Prayers and duties ·December 1, 2022Question: Please make dua for me that I'm getting waswasa and make dua for the victory in dunya and aakhira. (1) There are many liquids coming out of penis. When the penis is erected, a liquid comes and after the erection another liquid comes. Are these two liquids same or which is Madhi? (2) How to clean the madhi on clothes (is it enough to sprinkle water on the place where is madhi?) (3) When cleaning najis dresses in washing machine, I put the impure dresses and pure dresses all together and wash once with washing powder, then I drain the water (let the water go), after that I add water twice separately and wash the clothes twice. Will this method of washing clothes make my clothes pure? If this method is wrong, please suggest me the best way to clean impure clothes in washing machine. (4) When I sleep, I drool. So, the drool spreads on my clothes and pillow. I can wash the clothes but what to do for the pillows and also, when the drool spreads on the pillow it touches my head also because of this problem I bathe everyday morning before praying Fajr. Give me a solution on this. (5) Should we wear a separate dress in the night? And also, how do we know if madhi comes when we are sleeping? Answer ID: 182972 Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim ! (Fatwa: 218/184/N=3/1443) (1) The clear, smooth, creamy and thin liquid which comes out of penis during sexual practice or talking about lust, is madhi. And the special kind of thick substance that comes out with jerk on orgasm, and when it comes out, the lust usually disappears and the erection and stiffness of the penis goes away, that is semen. On discharging madhi only wudhu breaks, ghusl is not fardh. Whereas on discharging semen ghusl becomes obligatory. عن أبي عبدالرحمن، عن علي رضي الله عنه قال: كنت رجلا مذاء، فأمرت رجلا يسأل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لمكان ابنته، فسأل، فقال: "توضأ واغسل ذكرك" (صحيح البخاري، كتاب الطهارة، باب غسل المذي والوضوء منه، 1: 41، ط: المكتبة الأشرفية ديوبند). عن علي رضي الله عنه قال: سألت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن المذي: فقال: "من المذي الوضوء، ومن المني الغسل" (سنن الترمذي، أبواب الطهارة، باب ما جاء في المني والمذي، 1: 31، ط: المكتبة الأشرفية ديوبند) (لا) عند (مذي أو ودي)؛ بل الوضوء منه ومن البول جميعًا على الظاهر (الدر المختار مع رد المحتار، كتاب الطهارة، 1: 304، ط: مكتبة زكريا ديوبند، 1: 550-552، ت: الفرفور، ط: دمشق). قوله: "بل الوضوء منه إلخ": أي بل يجب الوضوء منه، أي: من الودي ومن البول جميعًا (رد المحتار). وأجمع العلماء أنه لا يجب الغسل بخروج المذي والودي كذا فى شرح المهذب (البحر الرائق، كتاب الطهارة، 1: 115، ط: مكتبة زكريا ديوبند) (2) It is not enough to sprinkle water on the madhi smeared on cloth or body, but it is necessary to wash it thoroughly with water only then the impure part of the cloth or body will become pure. (3) When the clothes are put in the dryer of washing machine and the water of the clothes is drained well, all the clothes become pure. However, it is advisable that first unclean clothes or the unclean part of it should be cleaned separately, then all the clothes are put in the washing machine and washed so that the pure clothes do not get impure with the impurity of unclean clothes. And there is no doubt about the cleanliness of the clothes washed in the washing machine. (4) The resin/saliva coming out of the mouth is not impure. So, if this resin gets into the pillow etc., it is not necessary to wash it, and if it touches into the head through the pillow, then the head will not be impure and ghusl will not be necessary. So don't bother to take a bath every morning because of the resin. (5) If you separate sleeping garment then it is better, for example, take off the pajamas and put on the lungi and take off the kurta and remain only in vest. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband, India Forwarded by: Khaiyam Khalid004
- Smile :)In Share th😑ughtJanuary 20, 2023🤣🤣00
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